This is my time spent in England, growing in my faith and my experiences...with not a clue to the out come but with an open mind..I am starting a new chapter in my life and filling it with life changing things!

Monday 3 October 2011

Indescribable Lord

I am having a hard time believing that I have only been here a week. And when I begin to think about the fact that I still have another 6 months ahead of me, I don't know if I am happy, sad or I just really have no idea of how I feel. the idea of not seeing my family or friends for 6 months makes me sad but the fact that i have made so many amazing friends already, is making me have an amazing time here and making me really excited for the next 6 months of my life. But the most exciting thing and the reason why I am here is to learn more about my awesome creator and to better understand his word and to grow in my relationship with him. And that makes me jump for joy and scream to the hills because his word is amazing, he is amazing and he created a indescribable world.
Today we had a gorgeous sunny midday which has now turned into a bit of a chilly windy. We have a feeling that we are in for a bit of rain later on tonight, what a surprise right! I am in England who would have thought it would rain here. Its beautiful when there is no rain but with the rain it makes it seem a little bit more real. It does feel like I am living in a bit of a dream world, sometimes.
I am excited for this week, we have a amazing speaker speaking all week and he his doing a walk though the bible lectures. He is so much fun to listen to and the stuff he teaches and the way he does it makes it seem real and a lot easier to understand. We have just gone though genesis and he gave us these sweet little hand gestures to try and remember the main events that take part in it. Also later this week we are heading into town and then to Silverdale on saturday. Its an awesome place over here and I looking forward to what God has in store for me for the next 6 months on my new journey.
Love Moriah

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