This is my time spent in England, growing in my faith and my experiences...with not a clue to the out come but with an open mind..I am starting a new chapter in my life and filling it with life changing things!

Saturday, 21 January 2012

'I can do everything through Him who gives me strength' Phil 4:13

So week 2 of being back and so far it has started out on a pretty decent note. Sunday is the day that is filled with lots of hour or so free time. Those hour free times make the perfect time for naps. I find that so far this semester I have slept so much, I nap frequently dont know why I just do. I nap with my rest of my roommates making for some good bonding time. It's actually quite funny becuase in my old room no one really liked naps and so you just didnt do it, you feel weird when you are just napping in a room with 4 other girls how ever two of my other roommates now love to nap.So now if you find one person napping you will usually join them and so it is perfectly normal to find at least one person sleeping in my room. Our room is great we all go to bed fairly early and we nap and everyone knows it and yet our room is where ever one comes to hang out during the day and watch gilmore girls. Anywho the rest of sunday was good we had a worship night where we also got to meet and hear from our guest lecturer for the week. His name is Ian Leitch, which some of you might have heard of. He has written a quite a few Christian books and he has been all over the world a few million times. He is about 72 years old and almost died from a heart condition last year, yet he still managed to fly to North america som crazy amount of times. It was so nice to have him here, he has such a dry witty sense of humour and the things he said sometimes was so hard to believe he actually said it. But it was good none the less he taught on Apolegetics and it was sweet to have a greater knowledge of why I believe what I believe. This week we also had Rob Whittaker our Principle continue his series on Early life of Abraham and then we had Andy Thomas one of the staff begin a series on Philippians. And then we have begun lectures for our 10  day outreach in Feb. We leave Feb 24 and we are gone for 10 days so I think its March 4 when we get back. We are going to the churches next weekend. So prayer for my team and just in general for student body as we go out and meet these people we will be working with. Pray also for team building that we will learn to work together and get along just so that we can grow and be a well functioning team. We are the biggest group of about 12 students, so it should be interesting.
What else happened this week well everyone has been getting sick, there was a flu going around that a few people have gotten. There is also a cold that everyone seems to have gotten. Including Zach and so it seems to have hit him hard, he has been tired and exhausted all week and so he has pretty much been sleeping as much as possible. So hoping that this cold passes and we can move on. You literally cant go more then a month here with out being sick, its ridiculous. Other then that this week has been pretty uneventful, we started doing pictures for the year book and two of my roommates have had birthdays. I have also been out walking with lots of different girls this week and just getting to know them better. I have been in bed early and woken up early all week. I am becoming a morning person i wake up before my alarm even goes off at 6:00 am and I am out of bed with no problem. Its really weird, well for me at least. I have also been watching a lot of Gilmore Girls this week with a few girls. Its funny how you can start the show and if people walk by they will stop and join you and you end up with about 7 girls just watching it and laughing.
Oh Friday was seminar day so we had this seminar called Confidence Gym it was for the girls and then the boys had there own little seminar. It was good it got me thinking about just how poor of confidence I actually have and how what I say affects me in more ways then I think it does. Its now one of my goals for this semester is to just think more postively and not to let the negative thoughts come out or take control. Also on friday night we did another worship night focusing on not just hearing and reading what the word says but by going on and applying it to you and doing what it says. So often we read what our bibles say and we go to church and hear what the pastor has to say but we do nothing about it. We sit around saying that we arent sinning by following the law. But its just as to sit and do nothing about what you hear as it is to break a law. So my ramble is go out and do something get off your butt and listen to what God has to say to you. Hey dont worry I am not perfect this is just as much as a reminder to me as it is to you. I am still working on getting off my butt and taking the things I learn and applying it to my daily life. Its not easy by any stretch of the imagination but it is something we have to do.
Saturday was suppose to be my productive day I got up bright and early my usual 6:30 in the am and when down to the castle where I got to skype my fam damily. It was pretty sweet I must say i havent gotten to see any of them in about 4 months and they showed me the house a little bit. The only time I can actually video is 6 30 in the morning on a saturday when no one else is up because people get mad plus it slows the internet for about everyone else around here. I also got all my reading done and I got a little work on my essay before we went out to Lancaster to just hang out and chill. We got back here where I felt like crap, i have been having stomach issues again which doesnt bother me that much it just is slightly annoying. We watched super 8 or something like that before heading to bed. My new bed time is about 10:30pm which is really early for me. Any who hope you guys are enjoying the snow for those back home, we have none just wind and cold and wet, which is fine. Lots of love moriah

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